Making mom the family superstar or making a great business can go hand-in-hand

The world healthy snacks market is expected to reach US$ 109 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 5.8% from US$ 70 billion in 2021, according to Maximize Market Research.
The rise in a shift of on-the-go snack consumption is fuelling the worldwide healthy snacks market’s favorable growth. Growing consumer awareness of health risks related to junk food consumption, such as heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases, is expected to increase the demand for healthy snacks throughout the world.
One of the important trends in the global healthy snacks market is a rise in customer preference for healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle. Healthy snacks are becoming a larger part of people’s diets throughout the world, which is moving the global healthy snacks market forward.
Why the idea of snacking is always associated with a negative image?
Since snacking industry began to flourish in 1920s, it has always been associated with high sugar, high fat and high sodium food. In other words, snacks are calorie-rich and nutrient-poor junk food.
However, with education and growing awareness of health concerns, we see raising needs for healthy snacks as the alternative in 21st century. Apart from natural food such as fruits, vegetable, nuts and seeds, latest research shows that snacks that are sugar-free, gluten-free and non-oil fried are trending and revolutionizing snacking options to do away from low quality food such as chips, candies and sugar-sweetened beverages. Moreover, technology has enabled preservative free snacks with convenient packing minus the additive, artificial flavoring and coloring without over processing.
Do we really need to snack actually?
Generally speaking, snacking is recommended to curb hunger, crankiness or increase energy in between main meals, especially if the break between meal times is too long, or for calming the little ones and pregnant mommies.
Sometimes, special occasion and social gathering call for the need of a good snacks too. You may also find it interesting that it is a culture in countries like France, Philippines and Mexico to have snacks, either mid-morning or afternoon.
Is eating between main meals bad for you and your kids?
Scientifically proven, snacking is not all bad, on the contrary, can actually be a beneficial treat if snacks well selected while snacking well managed. Unprepared or convenient snacking by grabbing whatever in sight or accessible could lead to weight gain or poor nutrition intake with unnecessary fat, sugar, sodium-rich foods. Therefore, education and preparation is always key to healthy snacking – be prepared, pack up and make healthier snack options available will always go a long way!
At Green Wellness, we also believe that developing healthy eating habit starts from young. Providing healthy snacking and eating options can be a mom’s best gift for the entire family, from baby as young as 6 months old and way above. This precious gift will definitely benefit and last them a life time.
You’re invited!
In summary, while healthy snacks can make mom the family superstar, it can also make a great business for you too! If guilt-free snacking collaboration is your cup of tea, come visit us at MIFB booth 2076 and explore further while we snack healthily!