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Malaysia dominates the global Halal market with a USD 88.1 billion valuation in 2022, expected to climb a t a 5.8% CAGR to reach USD 121.6 billion by 2027. The strength of Malaysia’s Halal market is fueled by a substantial Muslim population (over 60%) stimulating domestic demand, coupled with significant government support and a well-established halal ecosystem.

In Malaysia, the key halal market categories include food and beverage (60% market share), pharmaceuticals and cosmetics (20% market share), and tourism and hospitality (10% market share), complemented by diverse segments such as fashion, financial services, and logistics.

Across Southeast Asia, the Halal market reigns as the world’s largest, valued at USD 285.3 billion in 2022 and poised to expand at a 6.2% CAGR to hit USD 420.8 billion by 2027. This region shares similarities with the Malaysian market in terms of a robust Muslim population, governmental support, and a mature halal infrastructure, showcasing primary categories similar to Malaysia’s market segmentation.

Embrace the potential within the flourishing halal market. Strategically align your brand to meet the escalating demand by innovating and delivering genuine halal products. Expand your market foothold and enhance your product range to address the varied requirements of consumers throughout the dynamic Southeast Asian landscape. Seamlessly integrate your offerings to match the increasing appetite for halal-certified commodities, amplifying your brand’s impact within this prosperous industry.


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